Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Speed Dating!!!

Sorry for the long hiatus guys! With the holidays and work finally picking up again, I've been pretty busy. But I finally had such a life event I had to blog about it!

After much begging, pleading and down right coercion. I gave into my coworker's request to try the speed dating event she'd heard about on the radio. Most people heard that ad and thought "That sounds like fun, I should go to that!" She heard it and thought, "That sounds like fun, Jessica should try it!" What can I say, my married coworkers live vicariously through my singleness.

Well, despite my best intentions to have a HORRIBLE time, it was actually pretty fun. Most of the guys were very nice - old and divorced - but nice. Filling up the three minutes wasn't too much trouble - although some of them were pretty quite. It was too bad that most of them had been married before and most who had been married before had kids - a couple had high school age kids! NO THANK YOU!!!

Now, it would be very lax of me to not share about the two creepy guys who you knew had to be there. One was in his fifties and we discussed his plans for retirement. He said he would note me by my pink shirt because it would be inappropriate to use other aspects of my appearance to jog his memory . . . . he said this while staring at my chest. Yes, the conversation just got worse from there!

The worst one though was actually a host at the radio station - and I'm really hoping he doesn't get my name and number through some tricky way because he works there. He was over the top! "Do you like to hike? Great! I love to hike! Ever hiked Badger Mountain? No, well we can go together!" "Oh, you grew up in Walla Walla. I love Walla Walla! We should go there, we can go visit your parents and then I'll take you to all the wineries I love!" "Do you like good food! Let's go to lunch! You just say when and where!" When I asked him how long he'd been in radio, he said longer than I'd been alive. Now, why does a guy easily old enough to be my dad want to show me the town?! Cause he's a creep! That's why!

Anyway, they've been doing this for a while and I guess it's pretty successful but they took a break over the holidays so things were a little slow today. There were about 6 guys to visit with. They also said that crowd usually has guys more my age. I think I'll give it another try. I gave the go ahead on 2 different guys who were normal and nice - we'll see what they think tomorrow!

If nothing else, most of the guys were engineers so I might get some good candidates out of my dating endeavours!



Stephanie said...

Hey, that's pretty brave of you! Even great amounts of encouragement and coercion wouldn't convince me to go alone to something like that. Keep me posted! Nice to see a blog from you.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, well there are other ways of looking at the old guys with kids in high school. I mean, you get kids without having to push a baby through a birth canal. That could be convenient. Also, you don't have to worry about diapers, barf, potty training, or sticky fingers from tiny children. Being high schoolers, they'll also be out of the house soon, so you'll get a few years of quality time as a mom, and then you get rid of them and then just get to see them on weekends when they visit from college. Convenient!

Also, can you say sugar daddy?

Maybe to the pink shirt guy you should have just said in a really really loud voice so the whole room could hear, "OH, DO YOU MEAN MY BOOBS? FAIR ENOUGH, I'LL REMEMBER YOU BY YOUR SMALL P**** [man part]." Which would be really really inappropriate and I don't really know how you'd know that anyway but maybe he'd think that you could tell by looking at his pants, and maybe then he'd go away and never come back. Or at least stop behaving badly toward women.

Radio guy must be very lonely. Maybe you should have offered to buy him a membership on Oh, I have an idea! When you go to this speed dating, maybe you should use a different name, or use a nickname, and then if you turn out to like a guy, then let them know your real name, so then if a guy decides to be stalkery, then they'll have a more difficult time finding you! Oh, and get fake license plates for when you drive there.

Well, I hope that your future endeavors are more successful! Any guy would be lucky to get you because you're one of the most fun people. Like, ever. And hilarious. And I love how when I read your blog, I can hear your voice inside my head saying it, as though you're actually just reading it to me.

The Keatts Family said...

Way to go Jess! You rock :) Can't be any worse than the last guy Andy tried to hook you up with!