Whoa! Long blogging hiatus! Sorry for that. I've had tons of things to blog about but just couldn't find the time to sit down and write! So, I thought a good way to get back into the swing of things would be to highlight some things that I've been really into lately.
- Finding Financial Peace - In January, I decided it was time to take control of my money and not let my money control me. I'd been feeling a little overwhelmed and frustrated with managing my finances. So, I began taking Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University at a local church. For those of you who aren't familiar with Dave or his program I highly, highly recommend it! Dave presents a straight-forward and Biblicaly based system for managing your finances. I am not good or interested in financial stuff but Dave is really funny and his program has me on a budget and with a plan . . . . pretty amazing for me!
- Tap Dancing - I've been taking Tap Dancing lessons since September and I'm loving it!!! I have a recital in June and we're dancing to Chicago's version of "In the Mood." (For those of you who are familiar with both Chicago and the song "In the Mood" you are not going crazy, I guess Chicago has a big band album.) I'm sure I'll be Ginger Rogers by then.

- Africa Trip - In case you didn't know, I'm headed to Africa in May for two weeks with my ex-roommate Melissa and her church from Seattle. We'll be working at an orphanage in the Zambian capitol of Lusaka. I'm so excited for this trip!!! My team is awesome and I think it will be a great opportunity to see God's work in this African country. We are taking each child in the orphanage a backpack with socks, flip-flops, school supplies, a treat and underwear. I'm responsible for getting underwear donations and my non-Christian co-workers are all over that! It's hilarious, all they talk about is getting underwear for this trip. Its amazing to see God work in progress!
- My New Church - I've finally found a church in the Tri-Cities that's a fit for me! It's actually a church plant of a bigger church I tried and decided wasn't for me. It's kinda funny because it meets in a movie theater so church always smells like popcorn. But the fellowship is amazing and I'm finally feeling at home. I also just started going to a small group and I think this is going to be a great place for me!
- Contra Dancing - This is a form of folk dancing that sort of a blend of square dancing and line dancing. If you've ever seen the new Pride and Prejudice movie with Keira Knightly, they do it in the first dance scene where Elizabeth Bennett meets Mr. Darcy. I know it's kind of hoaky but I used to do this every now and then when I lived in Seattle but its so much fun and such a good work out, I decided to make it a more regular event. They have a group here in the TC that dances once a month and there is another one in Walla Walla that meets once a month. It should be great fun!
- Summertime - I'm so ready for it! Gardening, hiking, camping, canoeing, eating out-side, BBQ's, Boccie Ball, Goof Ball, chores, farmer's market, craft fairs, wine tasting, evening walks, star gazing, playing with dogs, sun-tans, tubing, croquet, swimming, Miller Island, Mt. Rainier . . . . . and so much more!!!

So that's what's keeping me occupied right now! Here's to much more frequent blogging!
Nice to see what you're up to, Couz. :) Love ya!
I think that's fantastic that you're taking tap dancing! That's a very Jessica sort of thing to do. :) I wish I could come see your performance.
I'm also very pleased to know you haven't abandoned your blog...
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