A lot of you have been asking about my new house! A big part of the reason I wanted to move here to Eastern Washington is that I would be able to afford my own home. Here's a little tour of my humble abode:
You enter into my little family room:

From the living room you can see all the way through the kitchen into the dining room:

Here is my kitchen. It's a really nice size and I can look out the window from the sink:

Here's the dining room, featuring the bright green table!:

Yes, I do have a life sized cardboard cut out of Elvis in my dining room. Every girl needs a man around the house to take care of the little things too gross for her to do. I grew up on a farm so I have a very limited amount of things I won't do for myself, so a cardboard man is sufficient.

Here's the hall bathroom:

The Office:

My Room and Bathroom:

AND the Guest Room! Always available for weary travelers to visit whenever you are in Eastern Washington:

So that's mi casa! Stop by next time you're in town!
Cute pad! Last time I saw it, it was all still in boxes, but it looks very homey now. :) I want to come visit...
Love it!!! Just the right size! Now... cat pictures! :)
Oh! What a beautiful home. You've decorately so nicely. You're amazing, Nims! Can't wait to visit someday :D
Much love!
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