Wednesday, November 12, 2008

To cover or not to cover . . .

First off, I would like thank all of you for your condolences regarding my grandmother. I am feeling much better.

Now, I have a pressing matter to discuss. My coworker came charging into my office early this week to vent about her big pet peeve. "While I was in the bathroom, two women came in and used the bathroom and they didn't use toilet seat covers! How gross is that?!!!" Well, I had to admit that I was not a toilet seat cover user - never have been. I just don't see it to be necessary.

Sure, if I'm at a truck stop or a particularly gross bathroom, I'll use one. I've even been known to lay out toilet paper on the seat if no toilet seat covers are provided and the bathroom warrants some extra protection. But, at work or a restaurant, I never use them. It seems pointless. How much can this little piece of tissue paper really protect you from? Lets be honest, I interact a whole lot more with the toilet seat when using a seat cover than I do when I just plop down.

Not to mention the hassle of the seat cover. At work, we have automatic flushing toilets. Half the time, it flushes while I'm positioning the seat cover and I have to start all over with a new cover. Or when I do flush, I have to flush two or three times to get it to go down properly. And, for those environmentalists out there, think of all the trees we are killing to give us the piece of mind that toilet seat covers provide. So what are your thoughts? To cover or not to cover?


Valerie Geary said...

Muahahaha.... this post made me laugh. I am an intermittent coverer. If I really have to go then I skip the cover (really disgusting bathrooms withstanding). If I'm feeling extra clean and not rushed I will probably use a cover. To add to your argument of no cover... especially in offices... they typically clean those every day so the chances of you catching some horrible disease is unlikely. Especially since most of your coworkers are clean people (at least you'd hope). Not to mention... I bet everyone's home toilet is dirtier than any office or restaurant toilet. Who cleans their toilet every single day?! I suppose my motto is... I haven't died or gotten sick from it yet! (This comment is out of control! I'll stop writing now)

Anonymous said...

Somebody told me recently that studies have shown that the toilet seat covers don't do you any better than sitting right on the toilet itself, so as far as I'm concerned, the covers are only for psychological relief! If I'm ever in a nasty loo (like if it's one used by both sexes, because men are gross), I hover over the toilet. Yes, that gets tiring, but it's VERY good for your quadriceps!

And especially where I work . . . am I really afraid of the backs of my legs touching where other peoples' have? Not really. Nobody here is all diseased or anything.

What I find gross are the people who don't wash their hands afterward (or who think that running your hands under water for two seconds actually washes germs off)!

Here, pass this article on to your co-worker!