Okay, so I arrived back from Columbus just in time to throw my first big get together at my new house! Wahoo! I live about 2 miles from a big corn maze/pumpkin patch. So, I invited a bunch of coworkers over for dinner. Those with little ones hit the pumpkin patch before dinner and us twenty and thirty somethings headed over after dinner for the haunted corn maze. The party was a huge success! I had somewhere between 10 and 15 people. I made some very spicy chili, apple pie, pumpkin pie and spiced cider then everyone else supplied the rest.
The Corn Maze was a ton of fun but very scary! They had these guys with either fake chainsaws or chainsaw motors without the blade and they would hop out of the corn and chase you down the aisle. Then another one would hop out and chase you back the other direction. They also had these really creepy tunnels with things hanging from the ceiling and fog and black lights. Its the kind of thing that I'll need to take a year to recover from before I am ready to return.
Well, the real fun began on Sunday morning. I woke up with my back all tweaked out from running through the corn maze in my cowboy boots. Finally, I felt good enough to get up and out of bed and I had plenty of delicious food to graze upon that was left over from the party. Someone brought this great olive bread which sounded yummy! So I began cutting, I cut one slice . . . two slices . . . then . . . I cut my finger! With this massive serrated bread knife! I attempted to stop the bleeding and bandage appropriately but it just wouldn't stop bleeding! So, one trip to the urgent care and four stitches later, I was on my way to recovery.
Close your eyes if your squeamish . . . here's my stitched up finger:

Well, typing, hairstyling and showering were severely impacted by this injury but a week later I am stitch free and I'm hoping to get a scar!
Thanksgiving is going to be at my house this year . . . that's what I found out a couple of weeks ago. My sister and her husband live in the Seattle area and my folks live about an hour the other direction. So, since B-i-L has to work early on Friday morning, we are having Thanksgiving at my house to shave a couple hours off their trip. Now, most girls would freak out about having to cook a turkey or how to get all the food ready at the same time or how much money is this going to cost . . . I began freaking out about where we were all going to sit and my cute little 4-seater round table was not going to do the trick for my family of six.
Therefore, I am pleased to introduce my totally "Trading Spaces" worthy table!:

$30 bucks off of Craigslist and a couple coats of bright green paint and I have a very cute addition to my dining room! I think it will fit all of us nicely. Now the big question that remains is what to do for two additional chairs . . . the cheaper the better! We have some options - thrift store chairs painted, thrift store chairs stained (as close to the color of the other chairs as possible) or thrift store chairs slip-covered. I'm open to suggestions and opinions!
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