Monday, May 18, 2009

Day Eight: Excursion Day

After all our hard work, we were anxious to spend our Saturday seeing the sites of Zambia!

Our first stop was the "Cultural Village," with hut after hut filled with African handy crafts. Carvings, cloth and baskets abound under these thatched roofs. The whole team buys much more than any of us expected and we leave with bowls and purses, statues and paintings. I can't help but laugh at American consumerism run rampant in an African village. What can I say . . . we love our stuff!

Our next stop is a botanical garden and zoo. We all enjoyed some quite time sitting under shady trees surrounded by bright flowers. It's funny how so many plants here look like they came out of Dr. Seuss book.

The highlight of the day was the zoo's "Feeding Tour." The sign at the beginning of the tour said "Watch Lions Leap for Meat!" and they weren't lyin' . . . . ha ha ha! We all stood outside this enclosure with hunks of meat strewn about. Then the tour guide said, "Release the lions!" and out bounded 5 or 6 lions. And when I say bounded, I mean ran straight for us, grabbed the meat and sat down for lunch. Even though there was a big fence between us and the lions, it was very unsettling.


PUPPPsMom said...

I'm loving reading about your trip! I hope there's more to come!!

Unknown said...

We're hoping you have pictures of the bounding lions ....